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Internet Resources Links
This list of links will lead you to some great Internet resources, including free stuff guides, webmaster resources, fonts and more. Clicking on a link will open up the site in a new window. Simply close that window to return to the link list. Thanks so much for visiting!
- Acid Fonts
- A large collection of free fonts in PC and Mac formats.
- Millenium Freebees
- Links to sites with Free stuff, Freebies and Tutorials in several categories.
- FreeWeb.nu
- The download center, searchable directory of screensavers,desktop themes, wallpapers and more.
- Free-N-Cool
- For tons of freebies, giveaways and cool sites all in one.
- About.com
- You can find a section with in-depth information and a guide for nearly everything yiu can think of here.
- 123Webmaster
- The Webmaster resource community.
- Easy Free Stuff
- A quality guide to tons of free stuff on the net.
- 1001 Free Fonts
- If you enjoy fonts, this is a great place to stock up.
- Paint Shop Pro
- Jasc lets you download and try Paint Shop Pro (PSP) for a limited time.
- Ulead WebUtilities
- source for web graphics, downloads, online tools, animated GIFs, discussion groups, and tutorials.
- TheFreeGuide.com
- Your ultimate guide to free stuff on the net.
- 007 Fonts and Logos
- 2000+ shareware fonts and free instant logo or mouseover creation. One of the few font sites I've seen that has the option of viewing all the characters in each font
- desktopPublishing.com
- the ultimate electronicPublishing resource.This site currently contains over 8500 pages, tons of useful information to explore.
- The Web Developers Virtual Library
- A well organized goldmine of tutorials, examples and links to great resources.