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What's New?
April 6, 2000
- BeautifulSavers.com has created a great screensaver from some of my Bryce 3D Art. Visit Thier Site to download it! (You'll find it listed as "Cool Fantasy Screensaver " under The Newest section..added March 23)
- I've gotten a lot of e-mail asking about when to expect new additons, unfortunately I haven't had any time for updating here and I am not sure when the next update will arrive. The next planned updates (when I finally do get to them!) will be additions to the Stock Photos section. Thanks so much for everyone's interest, I hope you'll continue to check back in!
January 17, 2000
- Besides updating the look of the site, I have planned a few helpful additions as well. Four of which are finally completed.
- Have a question about my site? The newly added FAQ may have your answer.
- The old Links page was getting quite out of date and didn't cover everything I think it should. So, I decided to create three seperate Link sections to offer wonderful resources for you. They are:
- Graphics Links - If you didn't find what you've been searching for, here is a list of other Free Graphics sites.
- Internet Resources Links - Free fonts, Free stuff, Free scripts, Free screensavers and more. These are links to some great Internet resource sites.
- HTML & Web Help - The Internet can be an excellent learning tool. Find sites here for beginners, advanced users, WebTVers and even Kids that can offer tutorials and tips on HTML, JavaScript, DHTML, programming, graphics design and much more.
- That's it for today's updates..stayed tuned as I am still working here when I can!
January 10, 2000
- The new design is slowly creeping through the entire site and renovations are going well. But, I still have a ways to go. Things still to be completed incluse; writing a Frequently Asked Questions page, adding Direct URLs for WebTV users and updating links on each separate Theme's page, gathering up and creating the three different links sections for Free Graphics, Internet Resources and HTML help. Once all that is completed, I can then try to grab more spare time to work on graphic additions.
- Thanks so much for visiting! Remember to keep checking back here, as all updates and additions are listed in this section when they happen.
December 31st, 1999
- What happened here?? Well, I finally decided to give the site a face lift for the New Year. Don't worry, all the graphics that are here now will not be going away. I am simply hoping to make things a bit faster and easier to get around. As well as switching from pop-up ads to embedded ones and adding Transloading links and direct URLs for WebTV visitors. Not to mention the new site will leave more room for updating as I am outgrowing the older design.
- No need to search the site to find other updates just yet. So far, the index page and this one are the only ones with anything new on them. But I will be working hard this next week and you should see the new design slowly take over the entire site. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can renovate the whole site and still have time left to add a few new images..I'll keep everyone updated here. Thank you very much for visiting and for your patience while I renovate. Be sure to check back again!